Luke's Healthcare Improvement Plan

Luke will ensure all residents have access to high-quality, timely, and comprehensive healthcare services, with a focus on primary care, hospital services, and mental health.

Strengthening Primary Care Services

General Practitioners (GPs):

  •   Incentivise Recruitment: Work with NHS England to create attractive incentives for GPs to practice in Durham, including financial bonuses, housing support, and professional development opportunities.
  •   Retention Programs: Develop retention programs that focus on career progression, work-life balance, and ongoing training.
  •   Training Programs: Partner with local medical schools and universities to establish robust training programs and placements in Durham.
  •   Support Staff Expansion: Employ more practice nurses, physician associates, and administrative staff to support GPs and reduce their workload.
  • Technology Integration: Invest in modern IT systems to streamline appointment booking, patient records management, and telehealth services.
  • Facility Upgrades: Fund the renovation and expansion of existing GP practices to accommodate more patients and improve patient experience.


  • Recruitment Campaigns: Launch targeted recruitment campaigns to attract dentists to the area, highlighting Durham’s community benefits and professional opportunities.
  • Incentives for New Practices: Campaign for grants and subsidies for dentists to set up new practices in underserved areas.
  • Mobile Dental Clinics: Implement mobile dental units to serve remote or underserved communities, ensuring all residents have access to dental care.
  • Public Awareness: Conduct awareness campaigns about the importance of regular dental check-ups and the availability of NHS dental services.

Enhancing Services at Durham Hospital

  • Specialist Units: Develop specialised units for high-demand services such as maternity, oncology, and emergency care.
  • Increase Staffing Levels: Recruit additional healthcare professionals, including nurses, specialists, and support staff, to ensure adequate staffing for all departments.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Ensure the hospital has a state-of-the-art EHR system for efficient patient data management.
  • Telemedicine Services: Expand telemedicine services for follow-up appointments and consultations, reducing the need for in-person visits.
  • Facility Upgrades: Regularly upgrade hospital infrastructure to maintain high standards of care and patient comfort.
  • Emergency Services Enhancement: Expand and modernize the emergency department to handle increased patient volumes and provide timely care.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish robust patient feedback systems to continuously improve service quality based on patient experiences and suggestions.
  • Holistic Care: Develop holistic care programs that address physical, mental, and emotional health needs.
  • Preventive Care Initiatives: Launch preventive health programs focusing on chronic disease management, vaccination drives, and health education.
  • Community Outreach: Engage with community organizations to deliver health services and education directly to residents.

Campaign for a New Mental Health A&E

  • New Mental Health A&E: Campaign for the establishment of a dedicated Mental Health A&E in Durham to provide immediate, specialised care for individuals experiencing mental health crises.
  • Crisis Intervention: Ensure the facility is staffed with mental health professionals trained in crisis intervention and emergency psychiatric care.
  • Holistic Approach: Offer integrated services that include psychiatric evaluation, counselling, and follow-up care to ensure comprehensive treatment.
  • Coordination with Existing Services: Coordinate with existing mental health services and community organisations to create a seamless care pathway for patients.
  • Community Engagement: Raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the availability of the new A&E through public campaigns and community events.
  • Advocacy: Work with local and national health authorities to secure funding and policy support for the establishment of the Mental Health A&E.